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Showing 2005 of 2005

Built in report for users and security profile

Create some built in reports for security audits of user permissions and security profiles. Seems odd that these are not in place already.
Guest 20 days ago in Control Panel 1

Option to pull data from Reports Wizard into Gradebooks

Currently, there is the ability to pull data from Reports Wizard into the Data Tracking module but there isn't an ability to pull this through to Gradebooks.
Guest 20 days ago in Gradebooks 0 Awaiting Review

Cloud Portal Dashboard - Ability to rearrange features

It would be useful to be able to re-order the features of the Dashboard. There are times throughout the year where we'd like to make key messages to parents more prominent and therefore move text sections to the top of the page to catch their atte...
Guest 14 days ago in Parent Portal 0 Awaiting Review

Display recent School News and Documents on the Dashboard (Parent Cloud Portal)

It doesn't seem possible to display recent School News and Documents on the Dashboard of the new Cloud Parent Portal. This is currently available on the old Parent Portal. please could it be added to the Cloud portal.
Guest 14 days ago in Parent Portal 0 Awaiting Review

Transfer all transactions to one account when suppliers are merged

Look to add a facility where we can merge accounts. This would mean that if an account was duplicated or a supplier merged, we could pull all the transactions over to the active account and make the other inactive. This facility is available in Xe...
Guest 14 days ago in iFinance 0 Awaiting Review

Form Tutor rather than pastoral tutor

Would like the option of searching by Form Tutor rather than pastoral, and I'd prefer to see the Form Tutor rather than pastoral tutor on the School tab.
Guest 14 days ago in Student Manager 1 Awaiting Review

iSAMS Mobile APP Preferred Names

As per the rollout of preferred names within your iSAMS modules, please could this also be added to your mobile APP roadmap development.
Guest 14 days ago in Teacher Portal 1 Awaiting Review

Alert Configuration Based on Date e.g. Visa Expiry Date

1) Auto push report to admissions staff for student/parent visa expiry and other logics and2) Configure and send reminder emails to parents as early notification for visa renewal Able to configure the above based on a pre-set schedule e.g. schedul...
Guest 15 days ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Prepayments report

Would it be possible to have a prepayments report showing each invoice and the duration that is still pending.
Guest 21 days ago in iFinance 0 Awaiting Review

Register Alert Email - To have more placeholders

It would be really useful if iSAMS can enhance the Register Alert Email template by incorporating additional placeholders such as: 1. Subject ClassCode 2. Location/Class 3. Period Name Teachers will greatly benefit from this enhancement as it pr...
Guest 3 months ago in Registration Manager 1 In Discovery