I'm currently weighing up whether to run the Update Past Registration Data procedure. I really only want to run it for one student but I need to carefully assess whether it will inadvertently affect anyone else. I'd like to be able to run the proc...
Parent Portal Document Upload - Permissions to view
You should be able to upload a document and choose what Parent is able to view the document. For example, if the parents are separated and the staff would like the parents to have different versions of a document. You are able to choose permission...
2 months ago
in Parent Portal
Awaiting Review
Full grades to be displayed in Assessments & Reports section in 'Student Profiling'
Pupils' assessment grades can be found in the Assessments & Reports section in the Student Profiling module. However, the full grades are currently only visible by hovering over it. As confirmed by the iSAMS team, that this section is hard-cod...
Bring 'Future School Name' field to Query Builder search
We found that the 'Future School Name' field is not available in the Query Builder Search in the Student Manager. We can find the intFutureSchool ID field but not the Future School Name field. This is one of the helpful field to quick track the fo...
Add the ability to opt NOT to add an additional contact on an application form
Currently the admissions portal forms force the user to add an additional contact. We do get applicants in one-parent/guardian families who, at the application stage, only want to enter the details of that one parent/guardian. We have to advise su...
When a report is run on room closures and room changes it only shows the rooms where there has been a room change, not where a room has only been closed (and there are no room changes). I would like to be able to run a report with all the rooms th...
2 months ago
in Cover Manager
Awaiting Review
I like the fact the new homepage is viewable without needing to sign into the portal but it would be great when adding in a new widget there could be an option added to make it private and only viewable when a user signs in.
2 months ago
in Parent Portal
Awaiting Review
It would be helpful to allow groupings in custom reports for any of the modules that offer reports. If one could group reports i.e. have 'heading' that a few reports could sit under and another 'heading' that another few reports could sit under wo...
12 months ago
in Gradebooks
Awaiting Review
I want to be able to export the University from the Education tab of ‘Further Education’ under additional information section but apparently this is not available as an export field. Please make this available to export or provide a report we can ...
Ability to add student home email addresses to Email Wizard
As iSAMS recommends using the Email Wizard we wish to send out emails to school leavers (those that have just left) but they don't always have access to their school account. On the email wizard it would be beneficial when selecting Pupil users to...