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Showing 2004 of 2004

Student report: Edit for correction and republish a report without reopening the cycle.

It is very complicated and tedious to make changes to a student report in an already closed cycle. During a school year, we need to be able to edit a report, make corrections and re-publish it on the parent/student portal, even if the cycle is clo...
Guest about 21 hours ago in Report Printing 0 Awaiting Review

Import Pupil Data using CSV

It would be good to have an import option for Student Manager to enter data in bulk. For example, for the newly admitted students, every year, we need enter their emails address one at a time. Considering doing this for 300 students every year whi...
Guest about 7 hours ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Student/Pupil Manager - enable paragraphs in Notes

Could you please enable paragraphs when adding Notes to a pupil in Student/Pupil Manager. At the moment, all sentences were combined so hard to read/understand.
Guest 2 days ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

SOS and Passport Details in Admission Portal Enquiry Form

Between 200 and 250 students are admitted to school each year, so it is preferable to have all the information filled out when submitting the ENQUIRY. If not, we would have to hire someone to enter the missing information or pay for iSAMS services...
Guest about 7 hours ago in Admissions Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Journal Approval

Approval of Journals prior to posting to the GL in iFinance as an internal control measure for different levels of staff members in a department.
Guest about 19 hours ago in iFinance 0 Awaiting Review

Isams screen for mentor report reading and validation - sizing

Dear Team, Please find attached the request of one of our user about auto-sizing windows.In our structure, tutors validate and/or correct teachers' reports for students in their class.In the tutor section, when you click on a student name a new wi...
Guest about 22 hours ago in Reports Wizard 0 Awaiting Review

Exam candidate numbers visible in SEN Student Register

To be able to view exam candidate number in SEN student register either as a column on initial register student list and/or, within access arrangements section. Many access arrangements tasks require SEN info and student candidate number so it wou...
Guest about 22 hours ago in Student Registers 0 Awaiting Review

Document History

When we send a letter or email to a customer, could there be a tab in the customer record that gave us the complete history of all correspondence generated for that customer. In other systems if the email or letter is generated through the system,...
Guest about 23 hours ago in iFinance 0 Awaiting Review

Gradebooks allowed editing of imported data

We recently imported some CAT4 data into iSAMS which will shortly be used in reports going home. The data was imported in Tracking Manager and then pulled through into a new gradebook. One pupil missed the original CAT4 tests and we've just receiv...
Guest 3 days ago in Gradebooks 0 Awaiting Review

Alerts to teachers who have not completed registers

This allows alerts to be sent via email to teachers after a set time frame to notify them that they have not completed their class register. This supports the attendance team and reminds staff. This process allows for tracking of students from a s...
Guest 22 days ago in Registration Manager 1 Awaiting Review