Customer Statement in iSAMS Parent Portal to show all transactions
The customer statement in iSAMS parent portal only shows outstanding transactions from iFinance. However, most parents would like to see all their spending and payments in their statement. This has led us to not be able to allocate payments at all...
about 1 month ago
in Parent Portal
Awaiting Review
SEN flags - allows Wonde pull customized SEN Flags
As a private school, we do not use the standard DfE SEN flag/types (i.e. E, K, N etc). We have our own types and we managed them in Pupil Registers by creating the different flag/types in Configuration > Manage Sections > SEN > Register &...
Spreadsheet Download/Upload for Personal Tutors in Reports Wizard
The spreadsheet download/upload method in the Reports Wizard is available for subject teachers, HoDs and other staff types, but not personal tutors. It would be great if this method was available for personal tutors too.
Sarah Kattau
about 2 months ago
in Reports Wizard
Awaiting Review
It would be great if amendments anywhere on a student's record could be automatically saved without having to press 'save', or alternatively if a reminder that navigating away from a page before a change has been saved will result in this data bei...
It would be very useful to our admissions team to be able to search for applicants by the term they are joining within an academic year. Or at least have the ability to add this as a column of information that we can sort by once searched for a pa...
3 months ago
in Admissions
Awaiting Review
Add a Future Form field in student field dropdown in Student Manager Email Wizard
This field is necessary, some schools need to email students of their class/form allocation for next academic year. "Future Form" or "Next year's form" is an existing field, it should be added in the dropdown in Student Field in Email Wizard.
Ability to see COMMUNICATION HISTORY via the iParent App
Literally the entire point of the iParent app is to have everything you get with Parent Portal, but mobile. I actually assumed this was already built-in, but when some users complained that they weren't receiving emails I took a look for myself. T...
3 months ago
in Parent Portal
Awaiting Review
Editing pencil tool for renaming uploaded documents on Admission portal
It would be quite good to have an option to edit (pencil tool) the names of uploaded documents on Admission portal itself as it is difficult to identify the document after moving the student to Applicants. Otherwise there should be a preview for d...
Reg Alerts - enable a control to only receive reg alerts for pupils in your house
We would like the ability to add staff to the Reg Alerts and be able to select which Academic House they support, so that they are only alerted if the pupil is within their Academic House. Otherwise, their inbox gets filled with unnecessary Reg Al...