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Showing 2006 of 2006

Import from KJ's TimeTabler should use the TG year and block information when creating sets

The TimeTabler export file has teaching group lines like:G,10C-Art,10C-Art,Art, ,C,10,N,10ABCDEFGHIJP,IV,10A,10B,10C,10Dwhich in addition to she short and long set names and subject, include the block information (5th field) and year group (6th fi...
Guest over 1 year ago in Timetable Manager 0 In Discovery

A way to track audit of all exports happening through export wizard

This is mainly for backend management and will be useful to the IT team for each school. If a data is incorrect and several teachers have downloaded that data while it was incorrect, there is currently no way to point who has the wrong data and in...
Guest 2 months ago in Analytics & Insights 0 In Discovery

Add Enrolment Status to API output

Please consider updating the API functionality to allow our school to provide the enrolment status to our LA via the Wonde API connection. Currently this is extremely burdensome for the LA to manually add this data which impacts on us in schools w...
Guest 2 months ago in REST API 2

Ability to Enter Future Absences for Future Pupils

We activate our new pupils on iSAMS before they actually start. In particular, once rollover has occurred, the new starters for September will be active on the system, even though their start date is some weeks ahead. This should allow staff to ge...
Sarah Kattau 5 months ago in Registration Manager 0 In Discovery

Ability to upload a document in the Fee Billing Module

It will be very useful to be able to upload documents to a pupil's record in the fee billing module. For example, we have Direct debit mandates or parent's communications with account's information that we would like to upload in this module which...
Guest 10 months ago in Fee Billing 0 Good Feature

Pupil Registers fields avaialble in Email Wizard

If we could do an email wizrd and use Pupil Registers fields - this would be a huge time saver. We have Academic Interventions stored in the Registers Module - and if we want to send that information home in a letter- we currently have export them...
Guest 11 months ago in Student Manager 2 Awaiting Review

Allow Life Event notifications to be sent to all Pupil's Teachers

We have been using Wellbeing Manager for a couple of years now. In the main it has been well received by our safeguarding team and teachers. One of the biggest frustrations however is that Life Event notifications / reminders cannot be set up to b...
Guest about 1 year ago in Wellbeing Manager 0 Good Feature

Data exports from iFinance and iSAMs

It would be really useful if the downloads that you drop from iFinance were the same as the downloads from iSAMs, I spend a lot of time making two spreadsheets the same before I can do what I actually want to do. If it came out as School ID, Surna...
Guest about 1 month ago in Finance 0 Awaiting Review

Update past registrations by date/year group

I'm currently weighing up whether to run the Update Past Registration Data procedure. I really only want to run it for one student but I need to carefully assess whether it will inadvertently affect anyone else. I'd like to be able to run the proc...
Guest about 1 month ago in Registration Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Allow Administrators to login as Student in Student Portal

We have several administrative staff members (Registrar, Directors, Principals) who sometimes need to access reports published for the student in the student portal. The best way we have found to allow them access is to use the Student Portal and ...
Guest 4 months ago in Student Portal 0 In Discovery