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Showing 2005 of 2005

Better error tracking in light of recent iSAMS total outbound email outage

We recently discovered that no emails were sent from ISAMS 27th March 11am to 10pm+ due to an ISAMS outage with IRIS/Edgen and Twilio/SendGrid. I believe all ISAMS customers were effected. There is no easy way to be alerted to this without painsta...
Guest 8 months ago in Control Panel 0 Good Feature

Rewards & Conducts Resolve Notifications

Hello, once a R&W is marked as resolved. Could we have a feature to allow an email notification workflow to let the relevant staff know the whole process has been completed.
Guest 6 months ago in Reward & Conduct Manager 0 Good Feature

Removing Specific Sets from Reporting Cycles

It would be more useful to be able to exclude individual sets from report cycles if they are not needed. This would make it easier for staff as they would only see the ones that they actually need to write, and also for admin to keep check on whic...
Guest 8 months ago in Reports Wizard 0 In Discovery

Parent Account Disabled

Hello, A lot of our parents have asked if their Parent Portal account is disabled, to have a feature to allow them to re-activate their account so it doesn't become a burden on the schools IS leads.
Guest 7 months ago in Parent Portal 0 In Discovery

Sync Gradebook button - to allow an "Leave as is" option

When we sync the gradebooks to Reports using the "Sync Gradebook Data" button in the report cycle, we get 3 options to select the report status, Complete, Draft, or Incomplete and we get the option to update all the existing reports. Often, when I...
Guest 7 months ago in Reports Manager 0 Good Feature

COVER of Cover. Subject Teacher to take Specialism and be covered for 'Other' subjects same period

We call this Daisy Chaining. All our teachers, on top of a specialism take interest or social classes (e.g. PSE, Citizenship) and when a Teacher is absent in their own department, They take the cover as a priority which means the "Other" class nee...
Guest 4 months ago in Cover Manager 4 In Discovery

Allocating a NC Year more than once

Schools need to be able to allocate the same National Curriculum (NC) year in School Manager, more than once. This is particularly true of multi campus schools on one iSAMS instance. They will have, for example, several year groups across campuses...
Guest 5 months ago in School Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Include existing fields in Student Registers

It would be really effective if existing fields could be selected for inclusion in Student Registers when creating custom registers, and fields created in Student Registers could be available to complete in other areas of the system eg the Admissi...
Guest 11 months ago in Student Registers 3 In Discovery

SchoolID field added to Gradebooks

Please could SchoolID be added as a field to be selected in the gradebook and be an output on the CSV file. This would make it very useful when wanting to import data from other sources or spreadhseets.
Guest about 3 years ago in Gradebooks 2 In Discovery

Pulling data from Gradebooks to Central

In any school, your biggest data entry point is arguably academic grades and grading. Therefore it is imperative that that academic data (either from gradebooks or reports wizard) is pulled through to Central for PowerBI and analytics. MS Teams do...
Guest 11 months ago in Gradebooks 1 Later