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Showing 2005 of 2005

Ability to filter a set within a gradebook so that teachers only see their pupils

It is essential within a gradebook, filtering is allowed especially on academic sets so that a teacher can only see relevant pupils for whom they need to enter grades. The workaround of creating a gradebook for every set is time-consuming. Any cha...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Gradebooks 1 Now

Read Access to Control Panel

Allow read only access to the control panel so as to be able to review setting without the ability to make changes.
Guest 23 days ago in Control Panel 0

SEN star link info should display the same as registers to make it clearer

We use this link lots for our staff to find SEN info and it would be great if it was able to display the info in the same way as Student registers, overview included. The pictures show the 'student registers' version which is clear and in boxes, c...
Guest 23 days ago in Student Registers 0 Awaiting Review

Ability to use text formatting options when adding info to student registers

Being able to use bullet points, bold, italics etc will greatly enhance the clarity of the information displayed. This will make it easier for teachers to access key information in an profile for example. Also, allow paragraphs and line spacing as...
Guest 23 days ago in Student Registers 0 Awaiting Review

Read only access for REST API to Control Panel

There is currently only the access options of Read or Full for REST APIs as it pertains to Control Panel. Other modules also have Read, Write and Modify options. We have some applications requesting data via Wonde for the Global Lists within Contr...
Guest 23 days ago in REST API 0 Awaiting Review

Set the “Leaving Date” field on Former page

If I can set the “Leaving Date” field to display on the former page, the user can view it and order it by “Leaving Date” instead of downloading the data to view it every time.
Guest 23 days ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Teaching assistant timetables/cover

It would be really useful to build teaching/learning assistant timetables (and then to also be able to use them in conjunction with the cover manager module). We are an SEN school and have various 1:1 or classroom support assistants that job share...
Guest about 1 month ago in Timetable Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Able to select student to run reports in Portal Publishing > Manage Run

Currently in Manage Run, we can only select the whole year group. But there are times whereby we only need to run the reports for a number of pupils, rather than the whole year group. Would it be possible to have another field/drop-down to multi-s...
Guest 10 months ago in Report Printing 3 In Discovery

Similar Features on Internal Exam Manager as External

All the functions in External Exams Manager apart from the link to exam boards are equally as useful to be used in Internal Exams, including publication of TTs, seating plans, candidate cards, access arrangements, results for former students etc. ...
Guest over 3 years ago in Internal Exams Manager 0 In Discovery

The Out of School List should include students with a future absence

We are struggling to use the Future Absence lists at the moment as the students registered this way don't appear in the Out of School list. Personally I don't understand why they wouldn't. Surely an absence mark as a Future Absence is the same as ...
Guest about 2 months ago in Registration Manager 0 Awaiting Review