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Showing 2005 of 2005

Ability to customise all email templates

Add the Form of the student in all emails where a name of a student is used.Example: Registration Alert, Reward and Conduct emails, etc.
Guest about 1 year ago in Control Panel 8 Good Feature

Wizard Bar Quick View - search by Forename

Most staff know other staff members by their forename/preferred name, and don't have access to the full HR Manager, only the Quick View Details in the Wizard Bar. It would therefore be really helpful if you could search by forename and preferred f...
Guest about 1 month ago in HR Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Notifications to staff of cancelled cover arrangements and to staff and students of cancelled room closures

Staff currently only know if cover is cancelled when it falls off their timeline - a formal notification confirming that cover is no longer required would be extremely helpful. Ditto when a room closure takes place and staff and students are notif...
Guest 3 months ago in Cover Manager 0 In Discovery

Student's List organization options at Gradebook Tab

Our need is to organize the student's list in the Gradebook by their First Names, not by their Surnames. This functionality is already avaiable at the Registration tab, but not at the Gradebook tab. In order to attend Braizilian legislation this i...
Guest 10 days ago in Gradebooks 0 Awaiting Review

Excel template download could be re-downloadable

It would be nice if the latest generated reports template in Reports Wizard was a clickable link to allow re-downloading without generating a new template. Sometimes a teacher will telll me that there is an issue with their Excel template, but of ...
Guest 10 days ago in Reports Wizard 0 Awaiting Review

Limit the amount of pupils that can be added to a detention

It would be good to add a limit to the amount of pupils staff can add to one detention session. This will stop the ability for them to be 'overbooked'.
Guest 10 days ago in Discipline Manager 2

Link multiple agents

Agent Manager only lets you link one Agent. We often have 2 Agents and currently have to pick just one to link, which then effects the usefulness of the stats. Also we have Educational Guardians, who can be from an Agency, that cannot then be mana...
Guest 10 days ago in Agent Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Register Alert Cancel button

Would be good to have a Register Alert Cancel button to the registers (so that teacher will be able to click cancel if a student arrives within allowed time).
Guest 10 days ago in Registration Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Notify staff member when they have been assigned Visability of a Wellbeing Concern

When assigning visibility of a Concern during the Create a Concern process it doesn't automatically notify the staff member about this.
Guest 28 days ago in Wellbeing Manager 0

Subscribe to parent portal calendar

Parents often request to be able to subscribe to the parent portal calendar, where all school events are entered, so that it syncs with calendars on their devices and they can see what's going on in school at a glance rather than have to log in to...
Guest about 1 month ago in Parent Portal 1 Awaiting Review