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Able to sort new List Object in Global Lists

Currently when you add a new List Object to new/existing Group, the object is arranged in alphabetical order. Should add a new feature whereby the objects could be arranged in whatever order the user prefers.
Guest 2 months ago in Control Panel 0 Good Feature

Add system status to HR rest API

This is a basic information that distinguish between current staff and leavers.
Guest 2 months ago in REST API 1

Rewards and Conduct Batch API endpoint: Subject

The subject field is essential. In iSAMS it can (and we do) set it as a required field so it is essential to gain value from this data. This needs to be in the Batch API please. Thank you!
Guest about 1 month ago in Batch API 0 Awaiting Review

Send Multiple Emails Simultaneously

The current flow for emails on iSAMS is that iSAMS prepares the email and submits it to MailBee.NET, an internal coding framework for sending emails out. MailBee.NET then dials out to Sendgrid/whatever server is configured, which is the SMTP serve...
Guest about 1 month ago in Control Panel 0 Awaiting Review

Enable more fields in REST API

Currently it is frustrating to use the REST API, only to find that the field we are looking to review / update is not an available end point. Can you look into making it consistent which fields are available in the same screen. For example, in the...
Guest 6 months ago in REST API 0 In Discovery

A way to track audit of all exports happening through export wizard

This is mainly for backend management and will be useful to the IT team for each school. If a data is incorrect and several teachers have downloaded that data while it was incorrect, there is currently no way to point who has the wrong data and in...
Guest 2 months ago in Analytics & Insights 0 In Discovery

Add Enrolment Status to API output

Please consider updating the API functionality to allow our school to provide the enrolment status to our LA via the Wonde API connection. Currently this is extremely burdensome for the LA to manually add this data which impacts on us in schools w...
Guest 2 months ago in REST API 2

Clone User Profile - Safe impersonation

Please could we be able to clone a user so we can login and see what they can? This would copy all module granular permissions as well as Security and User groups. We can safely delete this temporary user after investigation without compromising t...
Guest 7 months ago in Control Panel 0 In Discovery

SEN flags - allows Wonde pull customized SEN Flags

As a private school, we do not use the standard DfE SEN flag/types (i.e. E, K, N etc). We have our own types and we managed them in Pupil Registers by creating the different flag/types in Configuration > Manage Sections > SEN > Register &...
Guest 8 months ago in REST API 0 Awaiting Review

Granular Permissions for Control Panel

We would like a few selected users to have full access to Email Manager, to enable a corporate approach to our email templates. However, my understanding is that we can't grant this without giving them full access to Control Panel, which we don't ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Control Panel 0 In Discovery