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Showing 266 of 2002

Student Registers

Currently there is only facility to export data for one register at a time, is there a possibility that this can be expanded to export multiple registers at the same time, it would be very helpful?
Guest almost 4 years ago in Student Registers 0 Good Feature

I could see the student's name on their appointment tab

When on the calendar in medical center, one can double click on an appointment to open it. However, it doesn't have the student's name anywhere on it. So if the procedure is interrupted or if a few appointments are open at the same time, you canno...
Guest over 7 years ago in Medical Centre 0 Good Feature

Addition of Award Date for Multiple entries

No description provided
Guest about 14 years ago in Reward & Conduct Manager 1 Good Feature

Export all the grades of a student for the current Academic Year

It will be extremely useful to allow the teachers to export all the grades of a student for the current Academic Year.
Guest about 4 years ago in Student Profiles 0 Awaiting Review

Visits expanded by default

At the moment you have to click on the plus sign to read through past visits records. Some boys may have hundred and so it's time consuming having to expand each visit to read. It would be good to have the option to expand all the visits by default.
Guest about 4 years ago in Medical Centre 0 In Discovery

Admins/authorisers could edit who an R&C is assigned to

If a teacher awards a demerit to the wrong pupil (easily done), it would be really helpful to be able to edit the entry instead of having to delete it and generate another.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Reward & Conduct Manager 0 Good Feature

Audit log for Discipline manager

Can we please have an Audit Log for Discipline Manager. There is no way of telling who removed a pupil from a detention. A log of all activity would be a great help.
Guest almost 5 years ago in Discipline Manager 0 In Discovery

The Activities Manager Module had better timetable integration

When adding Activities and learning support sessions to a pupil's schedule, there is no alteration made when this overlaps with their regular timetable. For example, suppose Pupil A has a learning support session on Monday morning and misses that ...
Guest about 12 years ago in Activities Manager 1 Next

Include pupil photos with the Activities Manager Export

With the teaching set lists on the right hand side of the iSAMS screen you can include a photo gallery so you can put names to faces which is especially handy for the start of year when an intake of new pupils arrive. Currently this feature is not...
Guest over 10 years ago in Activities Manager 1 Good Feature

Next detention - division dependant

We are now using the discipline module fro prep and senior school. It would be helpful if the next detention was division dependant. ie. prep school teachers saw next prep school detention and senior school Teachers saw only senior school detentio...
Guest about 14 years ago in Discipline Manager 0 Good Feature