Could the Column Data Type in the Column Adjustment tab be to 'Number' as default and NOT 'Text'.Because it allows you to transpose in bulk so 'N/A' or 'X' can be transposed to '0' but the calculated column frequently still doesn't work with empti...
Improve design of "List missing Subject and Form Tutor reports" - even your own staff are confused by it!
When you look at or print this report, it is neatly divided up by strong black lines. But their position makes no sense! the line is in between the name of the report author and the white/blue/green bar that tells you whether or not the reports ha...
Gender List/Menu for Admissions Manager and Cloud Portal
Currently the Gender options for the Admissions Manager and Admissions Cloud Portal include only two options: Male and Female. We regularly receive applications from students who identify differently. Can you add to the list to include other commo...
Notification for Pastoral Leads/certain staff members if a student is absent for a longer period of time
It would be great if we could set up an automatic alert/notification for Pastoral Leads so they are reminded when any student is absent for a longer period of time.
Hidden Description of Reward & Conduct in parent portal
As our school are going to activate the parent portal and open to our parents, there might be some data we have decided to be not shown to parents, for example, the description of Reward & Conduct, please take a look at the specific details in...
When managing timetables via Configuration >> Manage Timetables, you see a list of all timetables listed on the system. These are listed in order by academic year, with the oldest timetables at the top. After a while this list becomes quite ...
Allow multiple staff to take responsibility for the same group
Our PE groups usually consist of two tutor groups, mixed male and female, with three PE teachers assigned. The teachers will arrange their groups according to the programme for a particular day so it is not feasible to set up three different sets ...
Spell check should check pupil names held in iSAMS.
The spell check routine should use the pupil data to check pupil names. Many teachers make mistakes when writing reports that are not picked up by the spell check or other members of staff. These can easily be caught by checking against the pupil ...
Contacts (Advanced) Batch API add ability to filter for different MailMerge flags.
Currently one of our suppliers takes pupil and their contact details using the Batch APIs. However we would like to only include addresses of any type that have all mail merge or correspondence mail merge flags set. They provide the option to set ...
Seems unnecessary that you can't assign a child a UPN in the school holidays.You're met with "The following error occurred: There is no current Term configured."There is a term configured. I shouldn't have to be in that term to do it. Just one thi...