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Granular permissions for Discipline Manager

Ability for Wizard bar (Add a detention) to be available without read or write properties for the module. For the safeguarding for information - only to allow teaching staff to add detentions via the wizard bar and then not access the Detention An...
Guest over 1 year ago in Discipline Manager 0 In Discovery

Option To Remove 'All Present' / 'All Absent' Button during Registration

Please add the ability to remove the 'All Present' / 'All Absent' functionality from the registration screen. It not only leads to mistakes being made, which is then a Health & Safety issue, but also means that any prepopulated data that the o...
Guest about 5 years ago in Registration Manager 0 In Discovery

Allow clickable links in Pupil Registers

We record student SEN profiles as google documents and add links to these in the SEN register (in Pupil Registers). Access to these documents would be so much easier for staff if these links were clickable.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Student Registers 2 In Discovery

Granular Export of Pupil Registers on "View Teaching Set Lists"

We would like to be able to export various data points on any pupil register through the "View Teaching Set Lists" function in the wizard bar. Currently, data from built-in pupil registers such as "looked after" or "special educational needs" allo...
Guest 9 months ago in Teaching Manager 0 In Discovery

Improve auditing information for Contact records

Currently when viewing the audit trail for a pupil's record, there are no details available for changes made to contact records. The audit entry will simply read something like "Updated Contact# 201" with no reference to what was changed, or even ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery

Add detention name and type to confirmation emails

Where fields like work set, location, and offence code are already included in detention confirmation emails, it would be extremely useful if the detention name or type could be included in this email. Where detentions can vary in severity or cont...
Guest about 1 year ago in Discipline Manager 0 In Discovery

Registration data procedures should not require a registration group to have a teacher

Registration should be designed with the focus on ensuring that the pupils can be registered as easily as possible. However, as currently implemented, if you have a registration rule that includes a student group that does not have a teacher assoc...
Guest over 1 year ago in Registration Manager 0 In Discovery

Pastoral API - Concerns endpoint (list by student)

The "GET" request for Pastoral (Wellbeing) Concerns requires the concern {id} as an input parameter, as well as the student's {schoolId}. There is currently no endpoint to list concerns by student, and so it is not possible to know the concern {id...
Guest 9 months ago in REST API 1 In Discovery

Add merge fields to User Notification

Problem : The notification email (Figure 2) sent to the admissions team does not include any contact information for the parent who completed the enquiry. This is already a feature of the parent notification tab of the same form as it is used for ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Admissions Portal 0 In Discovery

Allow different contact defaults by contact type

For example. parents should default to all correspondence, but guardians/agents should not. It would save emails being sent to those that shouldn't get because someone forgot to untick a box
Guest about 1 year ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery