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Show which academic house a student is in on their portal

I want students to be able to see the academic house they are in when they log in to the student portal website.
Guest 10 months ago in Student Portal 0 Good Feature

Archive Bank Accounts

We have an number of obsolete bank accounts and it would be useful to remove these from the banking screen so only live (used) accounts show.
Guest 10 months ago in iFinance 0 Good Feature

Seating Plan

In manage seating plans-excel output report in plans tab we need for exam board regulations: In the first tab: plan invigilator desk position, what subject program duration of exam First name on seating plan Coloured paper* the colour the student ...
Guest 2 months ago in Internal Exams Manager 0 Good Feature

Medical Conditions to show in the iTeacher App

Can we please have the Pupil's Medical Conditions show on their record in the iTeacher App?
Guest 10 months ago in Teacher Portal 0 Good Feature

Ability to exclude current parents when emailing applicants

Would be great to be able to exclude contacts of current pupils when emailing applicants contacts through the email wizard. At the moment when sending the same communication to current parents and applicants, if a parent is in both categories they...
Guest about 1 year ago in Admissions Manager 0 Good Feature

Gradebooks - Characteristic Elements

Characteristic Elements are very limited. We would like to see SchoolID, Nationality and Religion as well as Pupil sets added to the Characteristic Elements. These should be there as standard Elements The ability to then filter the gradebooks by t...
Guest about 3 years ago in Gradebooks 2 Good Feature

Ability to Bulk Print by Personal Tutor

On the Bulk Printing tab in the Reports Printing module you have the ability to select various kinds of filters for the output (e.g. Form Group). There is an option to order the output by Pastoral Tutor, but there is no option to filter the output...
Sarah Kattau 7 months ago in Report Printing 1 Good Feature

Automated notifications to certain staff members when medical entry is made

It would be very useful if we could configure automated notifications to go to certain staff members (i.e., matrons and housemasters/mistresses) when a medical entry is logged in the diary re a pupil belonging to their Academic House. Perhaps an e...
Guest over 3 years ago in Medical Centre 1 Good Feature

Updating Basic Detail on CTF import - option to update by field

When importing a CTF we have the option to update or not update the basic pupils of a pupil. We need the facility to decide which files are updated. We frequently receive the CTF after the pupil has arrived in school and there is already a basic r...
Guest 8 months ago in Student Manager 1 Good Feature

Data security by design in iSAMS

We are a new school to iSAMS and have noticed that there are some basic data security options that are missing. Examples:Student registers for SEN - The document store requires a user to download a copy of the document to read it - this means ther...
Guest about 2 years ago in Student Registers 1 Good Feature