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See Total Attendance Percentage on Register

In registration manager when clicking on a child's name we can see pupil details and contact details. It would also be helpful if there was a tab that shows the child's overall attendance percentage. This will help attendance officers to determine...
Guest 6 months ago in Registration Manager 1 In Discovery

Improvement Suggestions for Timetables - External Exams Manager

. Being able.1 to move/order completed seating plans up and down within the same date as it doesn’t list all the same subject together and not in time order either. 2. When creative new seating plans students not to be pre-populated and remain un...
Guest over 1 year ago in External Exams Manager 2 In Discovery

Disallow notifications home about medications dispensed based on age

Whilst the idea of emailing home when a student visits our infirmary or is given medicine is useful - we won't be using it because we can't disable messages home if the studen is older. For older pupils, we feel that the notifications could breach...
Guest 5 months ago in Medical Centre 1 In Discovery

Alert for an expiring document - HR Module

If an employee Visa as an example document on HR module is nearing its renewal date, how can I set up a banner or alert to notify me of the remaining days until it expires? An alert is very much important for us.
Guest 3 months ago in HR Manager 1 In Discovery

Room Closure for MDT

I have just spoken to Ben and he suggested I submit a feature request. We have changed to a Multi Divisional Timetable and we are requesting that during a Room Closure, Edgen display both school divisions in one screen if when the division is to I...
Guest 3 months ago in Cover Manager 0 In Discovery

Visibility of Student Timetable within Pupil Quick View Details under Wizard Bar

We are using the Pupil Quick View under the Wizard Bar > Student Manager section. There are 4 tabs currently in this section: Pupil Details, Contact Details, Attendance % and Attendance. It would be very useful if there was a tab which had the ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Timetable Manager 1 In Discovery

Search for 'what' register the student is on.

To be able to view 'what register' if any, a student is on - presently there is no easy way to see which register any particular student is
Guest over 1 year ago in Student Registers 1 In Discovery

Access Arrangements on Teaching Set Lists

It would be very useful to teachers to have the option of adding access arrangements to the teaching set list report found on the wizard bar as it would then allow them to see who requires extra time for class test.
Guest about 1 year ago in Teaching Manager 0 In Discovery

Audit trail by staff member

It would be useful to be able to see what entries/changes a member of staff has made to the Student Manager module.
Guest 8 months ago in Student Manager 2 In Discovery

Link concern updates for linked pupils

If a concern is raised with multiple pupils, any update needs to be entered for every pupil individually. This can be very time consuming if there are lots of pupils who (say) happened to be bystanders. Can we create linked updates to what are eff...
Guest 3 months ago in Wellbeing Manager 0 In Discovery