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Search for RDL File

Please will you add a search facility so an RDL file can easily be found without trawling through every folder.
Guest over 3 years ago in Analytics & Insights 1 Good Feature

Turn on 2FA by default

Can you look at enabling 2FA by default when we create staff/parent accounts or at least having the option to do so. Thanks
Guest 6 months ago in Control Panel 1 Good Feature

Search parent account by their email account

it is not easy to find a parent account in User Accounts ,it must to check parents name to find parents user account,is it possible to search parent email account to find parents account?
Guest almost 2 years ago in Control Panel 0 Good Feature

Scheduled Send for Email Manager

It would be really useful if we could save a template email (or draft a new email) and have it sent out on a schedule.
Guest about 4 years ago in Control Panel 1 Good Feature

Bulk Change <User Group>, <Security Group>, and <User Type>

I find it a bit odd that I can make changes to all other aside from: This make it incredibly tedious when you need to move people into a user/security group.For example: with the recent Medical Centre/Health Records changes we've created a new Sec...
Guest about 1 year ago in Control Panel 0 Good Feature

Data Retention Reminders

Please, set up periodical reminders to schools' staff to respect data retention periods, to review, update and erase unnecessary information or files.
Guest about 1 year ago in Control Panel 0 Good Feature

Add Pupil Leaving Reason to Almuni

No description provided
Guest over 1 year ago in Batch API 0 Good Feature

teaching sets

Allow creation of sets within teaching manager, at the moment I can list all the sets but it would be useful to create a set, or even modify set details
Guest over 1 year ago in REST API 0 Good Feature

A way of stopping either a batch or a singular email from being sent/in queue to send within iSAMS.

Even the batch is in queue to send but not successfully sent yet. Are there anyway to stop those batch?
Guest over 1 year ago in Control Panel 0 Good Feature

Add department and subject data to the outputof the rewards and conduct API

The Batch API currently doesn't output either the awarding department or subject in the rewards and conduct module, even though these fields can be mandatory.
Guest over 1 year ago in Batch API 1 Good Feature