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Gender - this really needs to be updated to modern times

In iSAMS there is only two genders available to choose for Students. Some of our students do not identify as just Male or Female and have been distressed that they have to pick one when applying when they don't identify as those. Also seeing the i...
Guest about 4 years ago in Student Manager 1 Later

Third Gender Required which is non-gender specific

We need an option for a non-gender specific gender identity which refers to a pupil as they/them etc instead of he/she. We already have one such pupil in our school and I know that we are likely to have more in the future.
Guest over 3 years ago in Student Manager 1 Later

Adding "Gender expression" to iSAMS

Hi there, I'm submitting this request as we're seeing increased numbers of students that wish to have non-binary gender pronouns in the Report Writing System. We've already stopped putting the Gender field on official transcript documents etc for ...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Student Manager 2 Later

Enable a census return for each Division

We do a manual census return for each of our schools which are represented by Divisions in iSAMS. It would therefore be extremely helpful to be able to generate census data by Division. I'm not sure which "Category" this request belongs.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Census Manager 1 Later