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Register Alerts on the Teacher App

Please can we have the Alert button that is on registers made available on the Teacher App? This is a very useful tool that is used on the browsers, but is not available on the app. Thanks
Guest about 1 year ago in Teacher Portal 6 Later

Medical fields available to add to Portal Forms

At point of registration would be useful to collect all medical data for use with Taster Days. e.g. Wears glasses, name and address of doctor.
Guest 7 months ago in Admissions Portal 0 Later

Add the Parental Responsibility and Student Home to Admissions Forms available fields

The schools in our MAT need to collect whether or not a contact has PR when they submit an enquiry form via the Cloud Portal, but this is not an available field when configuring the form - we mostly need to use this form for initial data collectio...
Guest over 1 year ago in Admissions Portal 1 Later

Relationship to applicant values list should not contain all contact types

Our list of pupil contact types includes things like family friend, housekeeper and trust. These are not appropriate to have shown in the list of values for relationship to child when someone is completing a registration. Ideally we would have a d...
Guest over 5 years ago in Admissions Portal 2 Later

Group or Restrict Data shown in the iStudent App to Academic Years

In the iStudent App (& probably the iParent App too) it would be helpful to either allow the restriction of data to an academic year or have expandable group headings of each academic year. For example Reward & Conduct data would be visibl...
Guest over 1 year ago in Student Portal 1 Later

Configuration of Categories Order should show in iTeacher

When you change the order of Reward & Conduct Categories in iSAMS, this should be reflected in the iTeacher App.
Guest about 1 year ago in Reward & Conduct Manager / Teacher Portal 0 Later

Facility for parents to update school with important student medical information through the parental portal.

Facility for parents to update school with important student medical information through the parental portal.
Guest about 4 years ago in Parent Portal 0 Later

Option for parent to update their address associated to the contact types must be allowed.

Option for parent to update their address associated to the contact types must be allowed.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Parent Portal 0 Later

Electronic Forms - include the option to upload photo

We intend to use the forms for close contact COVID cases. Would be ideal if there's an option to upload photos via the form for proof of result.
Guest about 3 years ago in Parent Portal 0 Later

Please allow to update contact's address and some custom fields in Parent Portal

Dear Supporters,I am checking Parent Portal and interested in "My Contact Information". However, I recognize that I only can update email and mobile phone of parents. I can't update the contact address. Can you please let me know how to show and u...
Guest over 4 years ago in Parent Portal 0 Later