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Categories HR Manager
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 29, 2023

Academic House to be changed to a single-selection field so it can be included in reports

I have just been told in ticket (#593632 that the reason we cannot export the field "Academic House" in the "Export Staff Records" in HR Manager is because this field allows multiple options to be ticked, and that therefore we would need a custom report for this.

I quote from the ticket "(10:29:09 AM) Dean King: as a staff member can have more than 1 option selected this cannot be included in the export"

However, it is highly unlikely (I would say unheard of) for a member of staff to be in more than one house.
So I would suggest you make this field a single-selection-possible field, which would then also allow it to pull through on the export wizard/tool.

Thank you,

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