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Categories Teaching Manager
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 27, 2024

Able to track pupils in different sets/forms - historical and current

Pupils move from one Set to another over the academic year. Some move form group as well. I can't find a way in iSAMS that can easily track pupils movement.

At the moment, we can kind of find the info in Teaching Manager > History, but it's not user friendly at all. Could the following be improved at least, if iSAMS couldn't find a better way to improve pupil academic tracking/movement i.e.:

1) able to select Month, rather than just having This Month button

2) add additional filters for Subject, Year Group, Term - it is such a long list to go through having more filters will help with the search

  • Guest
    Dec 10, 2024

    This would be a great feature. We would ideally want to be able to see which sets a student was in per term.