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Created by Guest
Created on Jul 11, 2024

Be able to add Leave Request Role entries for indefinite leave periods

Within the Leave Request Settings in Registration Manager it is possible to add one or more 'approver' Roles, each of which has an upper and lower threshold on the number of days leave that can be approved. It is not possible to add a role entry without specifying threshold values. Leave Requests submitted for n days leave only get notified to approvers for whom n falls in their configured threshold range.

This means that say a parent mistypes the year for the start of a Leave request (e.g from 9am 1 July 2023 to 10 am 1 July 2024, a LR of 366 days is created, and if 366 is greater than the upper threshold for any approver, the request does not get notified to anyone, and no approvers can see it to deal with it unless they use the 'Show All' check box on the LR viewing tab.

There really needs to be a simple (and documented) way to add a 'catch all' or 'catch everything else' approver role, e.g. perhaps by specifying 0 or -1 for the upper threshold. The person or persons in this role will then get notified of all requests or all requests that don't get sent to the normal approver(s), so that parental requests do not get inadvertently missed.

Having to specify an enormous number for the upper threshold (e.g. the maximum 32-bit signed integer value of 2147483647 seems to be accepted) is presumably a workaround in the meantime, but not a user-friendly or reliable way to deal with the issue.