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Created by Guest
Created on May 17, 2023

Record details of register amendments according to UK Government guidance and improve reporting of amendments

Could the registration module be brought into line with 2022 UK Government guidance for England "Working together to improve school attendance" regarding amendments, in section 27? "Where amendments are made, all schools must ensure the register shows the original entry, the amended entry, the reason for the amendment, the date on which the amendment was made, and the name and title of the person who made the amendment".
Currently, iSAMS registration module does some but not all of this, principally there isn’t a facility (optional or compulsory) to enter a reason for an amendment, and any changes aren’t readily indicated without specifically looking for changes in a report.
In my view, it would apply to morning and afternoon session registrations (not necessarily intermediate lesson registrations), and would oblige anyone entering an amendment to put in a reason. It would not apply for the first mark for a pupil for that session, and perhaps not if the mark is being changed within say 5 minutes of the first mark being entered by the same person (to allow for the practice of marking all present in one click and then adding absentees).
The screens showing register marks would somehow need to show amendments to marks where they exist, to comply with the guidance. This could perhaps be done by highlighting cells with a change and having the option to click or hover to show the change details, which could be multiple.
Currently only one of the supplied registration reports shows changes - could the suite of registration reports be reviewed so that appropriate reports displaying individual marks can indicate changes (possibly optionally)?

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