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Agent Manager being able to attach files

It would be very beneficial if in Agent Manager you were able to attach a document to an agent. For example you could attach contracts for a particular agent. Keeping everything in one place.Thanks.
Guest about 9 years ago in Agent Manager 0 In Discovery

Is it possible to restrict access to specific pupils so for example a tutor can only see their tutee information?

We are able to restrict access to pupil information to specific groups of staff, but once in this group these staff can see all pupils in school. It would be good to be able to restrict access to specific pupils so for example a tutor could only s...
Guest about 6 years ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery

Close a school

It would be useful to be able to list a school as closed while still retaining its details. This could mean that it would not be added to any mailings but we would still be able to acknowledge the fact that soem students may have attended the scho...
Guest over 13 years ago in Other Schools Manager 0 In Discovery

Archive Applications from searches and exports etc

Where we reject applicants or they reject our offers, or withdraw, it would be really useful if they were no longer displayed in the search list as a default. It is particularly annoying for our medical staff who are entering information for our S...
Guest over 14 years ago in Admissions Manager 1 In Discovery

Upload Internal Exam Grades

In the Reporting module Teachers have the ability to Download a spreadsheet which they populate with the required assessment grades and then Upload back into the cycle. can we have this facility in Internal Exams Manager as well.
Guest over 11 years ago in Internal Exams Manager 0 In Discovery

Branch Address & Main Branch Contact Info was seperate from individual contacts

You would then only need to enter the branch address and overall contact details once. Individual contact personnel names and contact details could then be inputted seperately. Currently you have to enter address details everytime you add an indiv...
Guest about 8 years ago in Agent Manager 0 In Discovery

Set a maximum number of pupils within an activity group

We have activities where there is a limit on how many pupils can sign up. We feel it's essential to be able to set a limit or even have a count available when adding pupils (by either Group View or Pupil View) as our staff all enter their own and ...
Guest almost 13 years ago in Activities Manager 0 In Discovery

Modifying User Properties (eg Authorisaion = Active Directory, Security Profile, User Group etc)

I am modifying 300+ User Account Properties, and currently have to do this manually. It is taking ages. I want to do this in bulk, where I can set the following for all/groups of users:- Authorisation (= Active Directory for all)- User Group- Secu...
Guest over 10 years ago in Control Panel 0 In Discovery

Extra stage for reports

Currently there are four stages a standard report could be at - not yet started, draft, incomplete and complete. However, we have changed 'draft' to 'ready for tutor' and 'incomplete' to 'ready for headmaster', as we have three stages in our check...
Guest about 15 years ago in Reports Wizard 0 In Discovery