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Auto Alert for group of student for different reason

We have a list of studnet of concern, will be good to be able to set up auto alert when they have been marked N or missing from the register.
Guest 9 months ago in Registration Manager 0 In Discovery

Allow styling rules to cascade up or down between Gradebooks

Sometimes you decide to add a styling rule to a gradebook after having cascading it up or down between review, department and teaching set level. It would be most useful if the styling rule automatically cascaded down and would save a huge amount ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Gradebooks 0 In Discovery

Pastoral API - Concerns endpoint (list by student)

The "GET" request for Pastoral (Wellbeing) Concerns requires the concern {id} as an input parameter, as well as the student's {schoolId}. There is currently no endpoint to list concerns by student, and so it is not possible to know the concern {id...
Guest 6 months ago in REST API 1 In Discovery

Allow individual permissions on report folders

Before we migrated to iSAMS hosted we were able to set individual AD permissions to SSRS folders of reports which enabled us to hide reports which pulled confidential data such as HR data from some users. Please can iSAMS consider something simila...
Stuart Winfield almost 3 years ago in Analytics & Insights 0 In Discovery

Character/Word Limit on Generic Text

Currently, you cannot set a character limit on a generic text, only on a report text. This means that even if we set the character limit on report texts, the text might overrun 2 pages due to the lack of a limit on the generic text applied to the ...
Guest 9 months ago in Reports Manager 0 In Discovery

Assign a Line Manager to Staff Member?

Can we have the function to assign a line manager to the staff member in the system please? For all support and teaching staff. At the moment you have to create a custom global list entry, add all the people to it and then create a custom field li...
Guest over 2 years ago in HR Manager 0 In Discovery

Adding Electronic Forms Options to Pupil Portal

Can the functionality for the Electronic Forms Options be added to the Student Portal? We would like to ask students for their consent regarding marketing/alumni data before they leave the school which at the moment is done through a Google Form a...
Guest about 2 years ago in Student Portal 0 In Discovery

Registration Manager view Medical Care Plans

Medical Flags can be viewed in Registration Manager and when clicked, basic information can be viewed. However, Medical Care Plan documents cannot be viewed or downloaded from here. It would be helpful if these could be viewed in full from here, r...
Guest about 1 year ago in Registration Manager 0 In Discovery

Being able to edit the UCI number of a pupil on Pupil Manager

This would be useful for admissions and exams staff as pupils will often come to a new setting with a UCI in existence which we have to use to enable linking of results wherever the pupil may move to. It would help if the UCI number could be added...
Guest 3 months ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery

Cover an absent teacher with a scheduled teacher and cover their lesson with a free teacher

When a teacher is absent we would like to be able to use a scheduled teacher to cover their lesson and then cover the scheduled teacher's lesson with another staff member
Guest about 4 years ago in Cover Manager 3 In Discovery