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Deleting Academic Report PDFs from the Portal

It is possible to remove PDFs from the Parent and Pupil Portals after running a publication routine. Typically this will be for one or two individual pupils. The order in which pupils are listed is by txtSchoolID and not in Surname Forename/Prefer...
Sarah Kattau 8 months ago in Parent Portal / Report Printing / Student Portal 0 In Discovery

Register by set where the set has a mix of year groups e.g. years 7 and 8 (vertical groups are only allowed in forms)

We have classes set according to ability across two year groups e.g. Top Set Maths from a mix 7 and 8. After seeking support we discovered that only forms can be mixed across year groups. You are able to create sets in teacher manager across multi...
Guest about 1 year ago in Registration Manager 0 In Discovery

Ability to clone a timetable to another member of staff

While our teacher timetable was set up in time it would be good to be able to clone a timetable to another member of staff, either for when something changes mid year, or adding to to teaching assitants.
Guest about 1 year ago in Timetable Manager 0 In Discovery

Give option to lock permissions for staff to see info only for pupils associated to their house

With regards things like pastoral notes and sanctions, we would really like to be able to tighten permissions so that only staff who work in an associated house can see Rewards and Conducts information for pupils within their house. We do currentl...
Guest over 1 year ago in Reward & Conduct Manager 0 In Discovery

Future Tutor (for administrative rollover)

In addition to being able to set the next year's boarding house and form in advance of the administrative rollover, it would also be useful to be able to set the future pastoral tutor, and have that become the tutor when rollover happens (like the...
Guest 8 months ago in School Manager / Student Manager 1 In Discovery

Deleting Programmes and Options in Exams Manager

When you go to delete an exam programme or option from the Exams Manager module, you get a pop up warning message. (Example attached.) This message appears regardless of whether the programme/option has any entries or results attached to it. In ot...
Sarah Kattau 2 months ago in External Exams Manager 0 In Discovery

Reminders for iFinance Invoice Approvals Outstanding

Currently we are resubmitting invoices to teachers who have yet to approve their invoices, the system should start to remind them on an increasingly frequent basis.
Guest 6 months ago in iFinance 0 In Discovery

Delete Runs in the Portal Publishing Tab of Report Printing

The list of Runs can contain some that were never used or had to be replaced. It would be useful to be able to delete these. You can delete Routines but not Runs
Guest almost 2 years ago in Report Printing 0 In Discovery

Allow negative lines on sales invoices

The ability to enter negative lines on sales item invoices would be extremely helpful. We require customers to pay deposits in advance before we raise the final invoice. We then need to show deposits paid being deducted from the invoice to show th...
Guest almost 2 years ago in iFinance 0 In Discovery

Teacher or Teaching Set to be added to Gradebook

It would be very helpful for Subject Leaders and members of the Senior Team to see which teaching set a student is in for each subject.
Guest almost 1 year ago in Gradebooks 0 In Discovery