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Email sent when Cover is cancelled after publication

Currently if yu cancel a cover, there is no email, so colleagues still think they have a cover to do, or there is confusion. If a cover is cancelled after publication, could an email be triggered?
Guest 12 months ago in Cover Manager 0 In Discovery

Leave Requests - Bulk Edit Option

Please add functionality where Leave Requests can be editted in bulk. Often parents do not enter the correct information and we need to edit each request individually.
Guest 12 months ago in Registration Manager 0 In Discovery

Embed a PDF into an email

It would be helpful, when using email wizard, if we had the option to embed a PDF within an email as well as the current option of attaching it.
Guest 5 months ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery

Cover Manager Audit

It would be useful to see in the cover manager audit, the record details that the audit refers to. Currently it is just listed with the changes to an entry number( ie XXX editied #175) but with no way of matching which teacher/lesson etc this reco...
Guest about 1 year ago in Cover Manager 0 In Discovery

Export Gradebooks in Other Formats

It would be nice to be able to export gradebooks in .xlxs, .docx., or .pdf. Our teachers will understand it better than as .csv.
Guest about 1 year ago in Gradebooks 3 In Discovery

Enable more fields in REST API

Currently it is frustrating to use the REST API, only to find that the field we are looking to review / update is not an available end point. Can you look into making it consistent which fields are available in the same screen. For example, in the...
Guest 9 months ago in REST API 1 In Discovery

Teacher meetings aren't shown on cover manager.

Teachers show as available on cover manager although they have a meeting. There are regular meetings that teachers have with other teachers or parents, yet, they are placed for cover because the meetings do not show as a lesson. Please fix this.
Guest over 1 year ago in Cover Manager 0 In Discovery

Display teacher names as letter salutation in Parent Portal Attendance lists

Attendance records currently display full teacher names in the Parent Portal. Please can this be changed to display as letter salutation format.
Guest 5 months ago in Parent Portal 0 In Discovery

Schedule Staff Meetings over multiple periods

Currently a staff meeting can only be scheduled in one period (Timetable Manager -> Manage Staff Meetings). Please allow multiple periods to be selected (using ctrl+click is fine) for a meeting so that we don't have to re-create a new meeting a...
Guest 11 months ago in Timetable Manager 0 In Discovery

Audit to show record creation date

It would be useful if the audit trail started with the date that a prospective student record was added to the system, currently the first record in the audit is whenever a field is updated, not when the record was created.
Guest 5 months ago in Admissions Manager 0 In Discovery