Ability to import Midyis/Yellis/Alis data into a report cycle
It would be really useful if we could bulk import data, such as Midyis/Yellis/Alis data directly into a report cycle. We otherwise have to ask teachers to input this data and often these are entered incorrectly. If we could bulk import with the ab...
about 2 months ago
in Reports Manager
Awaiting Review
We have several double lessons throughout the week that straddle the mandatory registration needed at 14.10. It causes the register for that lesson to need to be taken again after the mandatory registration, is there a way to change/prevent this h...
HR Manager - Ability to have fractional days holiday recorded
In HR Manager is is only possible to record Holidays in the Financial Information area with whole numbers. Some part time staff receive fractional (half day entitlements) in a given holiday year. Currently this cannot be recorded in iSAMS as an in...
Customer Statement in iSAMS Parent Portal to show all transactions
The customer statement in iSAMS parent portal only shows outstanding transactions from iFinance. However, most parents would like to see all their spending and payments in their statement. This has led us to not be able to allocate payments at all...
15 days ago
in Parent Portal
Awaiting Review
Please can you submit a product feature request that could be implemented by June 2025 (next year) that allows one of the following:- Request to implement in Report Manager to add “Set” Exclusions by “contains” filter. i.e. The ability to add text...
Spreadsheet Download/Upload for Personal Tutors in Reports Wizard
The spreadsheet download/upload method in the Reports Wizard is available for subject teachers, HoDs and other staff types, but not personal tutors. It would be great if this method was available for personal tutors too.
Sarah Kattau
16 days ago
in Reports Wizard
Awaiting Review
It would be great if amendments anywhere on a student's record could be automatically saved without having to press 'save', or alternatively if a reminder that navigating away from a page before a change has been saved will result in this data bei...