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Showing 242 of 2002

Consent module to function on iParent app

We are encouraging parents to use the app where possible and getting excellent uptake, however there are still core areas of functionality not supported. It would be great to have the facility to obtain consent 'ticks' on the app, avoiding the mix...
Guest 4 months ago in Parent Portal 1

Parent Portal Create Account Design Issue

We are running the Parent Portal this year and there has been so much confusion amongst parents trying to create portal accounts despite detailed screenshot instructions. After parents receive the registration emails to create a portal account the...
Guest 8 months ago in Parent Portal 2 In Discovery

Remove text from image on Enquiry page

Please remove the text (or allow edit) from the image section of the Enquiry form links.
Guest 8 months ago in Admissions Portal 0 In Discovery

Leave Requests error message

When a parent submits a Leave Request from the parent portal they must tick the children the Leave Request relates to, even if the parent only has one child at school. If no child is ticked then when the Submit button is ticked an error message is...
Guest about 1 year ago in Parent Portal 1 Good Feature

Security/Confidentiality of electronic form submissions on Parent Portal

When we have new pupils starting we have a collection of electronic forms needing to be submitted by the parents. A couple of which are medical in confidence when completed. it would be great to be able to select a security group for accessing the...
Guest 8 months ago in Parent Portal 0 In Discovery

Cloud Portal - Logout Button

At the top of the Parent Portal you can see your own name and initials. This looks a lot like the interface familiar from Office 365. It would be great if this, like O365, gave a link to account options, at the very least a logout button. The top ...
Sarah Kattau 4 months ago in Parent Portal 0 In Discovery

Gender List/Menu for Admissions Manager and Cloud Portal

Currently the Gender options for the Admissions Manager and Admissions Cloud Portal include only two options: Male and Female. We regularly receive applications from students who identify differently. Can you add to the list to include other commo...
Guest over 1 year ago in Admissions Portal 0 In Discovery

Relationship to applicant values list should not contain all contact types

Our list of pupil contact types includes things like family friend, housekeeper and trust. These are not appropriate to have shown in the list of values for relationship to child when someone is completing a registration. Ideally we would have a d...
Guest over 5 years ago in Admissions Portal 2 Later

Electronic Form Names Should be Hyperlinks

When an electronic form is set up on the Parent Portal, the parent needs to click on the icon to the right hand side of the form to open it up. It would be great if the name of the form itself was a hyperlink to the form as this is the most natura...
Sarah Kattau almost 2 years ago in Parent Portal 0 In Discovery

iteacher app

Medical Centre module to be available on iTeacher appEven if just the dispense medication option was available, this would allow teachers to be able to record dispensed medication when off site on a trip or sports fixture.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Medical Centre / Teacher Portal 0 Good Feature