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Internal report comment or hide from specific report comment field

We would find it useful to be able to hide specific report comment fields that are set up in a Report Manager template so they don't display in pupil profiles. It's useful to have an internal comment for teachers to justify why a grade was given s...
Guest 7 months ago in Reports Manager 0 In Discovery

Can the actual time of a cover period be included in staff email along with the period id.

When generating cover, it sends an email to staff with the period details, but no actual time. When the school day has many periods, staff have to review the timetable to find out the actual time of the cover lesson. There are lots of options to i...
Guest over 4 years ago in Cover Manager 1 In Discovery

Folder structure in Statement Bank

Teacher teaching multiple subjects or year groups can easily access statements that are most relevant when writing a given set of reports
Guest over 2 years ago in Reports Wizard 1 In Discovery

Notification to report writer based on form/HoY feedback

Our End of Year written reports have 3 major sections i.e. input by subject teachers, form tutor then Head of Year. During form tutors or Head of Year review of the reports, they will put a comment/remark in specific subject(s) if they see any iss...
Guest 8 months ago in Reports Wizard 0 In Discovery

Have flexibility in exam session start times so Internal exams can be AM, mid morning & PM

The school has been advised to use the external exams module to arrange internal exams. We usually have 3 exam sessions per day for the internal exams which are am, mid and pm session. . The external exam module has the exam sessions set up by Isa...
Guest about 3 years ago in External Exams Manager 0 In Discovery

Adding non timetabled data to the batch API

We use a third party provider for our Student Portal and they are unable to pull through any non timetabled external exam entries as the Batch API from ISAMS does not allow it.Could the Batch API permissions be increased to allow for the import of...
Guest about 1 year ago in External Exams Manager 1 In Discovery

Bookmarked pdf for Bulk Printing of Reports by Form

When downloading the pdf of the Bulk Print of Student reports by Form for checking purposes, it would be so handy (read 'efficient') if the pdf could be bookmarked to the student's name. Then when opening in Adobe, for instance, you could click on...
Guest over 1 year ago in Report Printing 0 In Discovery

Adding More Fields to 'Locate Free Objects'

Our staff find the 'Locate Free Objects and Periods' function really useful but wonder whether the option for pupils could be enhanced to include Boarding status and date of joining - this is to enable more accurate placing of pupils for tours. Of...
Guest 8 months ago in Timetable Manager 0 In Discovery

Daily cover report to show all entries, regardless of if covered

Could the daily cover report to show all entries, regardless of if covered. SLT want to see how many staff in/off site for the day, so not chasing staff who are out.
Guest about 3 years ago in Cover Manager 0 In Discovery

Include actual age with DOB on gradebooks

It would help academic staff if the DOB on gradebooks included the current pupil age. This would save them from having to check back elsewhere for the current age.
Guest 8 months ago in Gradebooks 0 In Discovery