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Keep a history of addresses when changes are made

We are required to keep all current and previous address details for any pupil on a Sponsored Visa. The current suggested way to do this is via the Notes section within Contacts but it should really be possible to either maintain a proper, searcha...
Guest about 1 year ago in Student Manager 1 In Discovery

Emails via wizard to record in student notes section

When sending emails via the email wizard, it would very useful to keep those records in the student notes section to keep all records together and easily accessible/viewable
Guest 2 months ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery

Warning for Schools when importing DfE CTFs not to update Basic details so case of names not changes in the system

When importing Assessment files from DfE if a school forgets to change the field to not update basic details it changes all the Pupil names to capital letters in Ed:gen. A warning message would be helpful.
Guest over 1 year ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery

Import previous attendance summary from CTF

Please could we have the facility of importing the summary attendance data from CTFs into EdGen? I'm referring to the session summary figures contained in the following tags within the CTF. There will usually be one set of these for each year of p...
Guest 9 months ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery

Single Search box for searching for pupils / contacts / staff all in one place...

Sometimes we have to look up a name of someone when we don't actually know if they are a student, a member of staff, or a contact. Some school MIS package have a single search field where you can type in any name, hit search, and then it will give...
Guest about 1 year ago in Student Manager 2 In Discovery

Fire Registers to show late comers as present

When a pupil is marked in as late with code U (following government guidelines that this is to be treated as an absence) the A shows on the fire register, even though they are in school. As you can imagine this could cause major issues due to us n...
Guest 2 months ago in Registration Manager 0 In Discovery

View old teacher timetables even after a cycle change

Currently in HR Manager we can theoretically see old timetables for a teacher by pulling up their current timetable and using the drop-down in the top right corner. This only seems to work if the timetable cycle/structure remains on the same week....
Guest 2 months ago in HR Manager 0 In Discovery

Ability to Enter Future Absences for Future Pupils

We activate our new pupils on iSAMS before they actually start. In particular, once rollover has occurred, the new starters for September will be active on the system, even though their start date is some weeks ahead. This should allow staff to ge...
Sarah Kattau 5 months ago in Registration Manager 0 In Discovery

WARNINGS - duplicate Pupils/Sets

If ADDING pupils to sets manually. You need to have a warning which shows if a Pupil is already in another set in the same 'department' or the same 'subject'. Nothing to avoid you adding Pupils to a bunch of sets when they already appear in anothe...
Guest 4 months ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery

contact lookup

Can there be a lookup function for adding existing contacts to a student record, rather than having to add contacts afresh each time? What I mean is a tool whereby, if you need to add a contact, you can first look in a list of existing contacts ac...
Guest about 1 year ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery