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Conditional clauses in emails to remove text under a particular condition

I want to create an Email Template in Pupil/Student Manager where two or three siblings can be named in a merge email, rather than having to send two or three separate emails to the same parents: Dear {{parent.txtlettersalutation}} I am writing to...
Guest 3 months ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Room booking

Do room booking through iSAMS, easier, as we already have the overall look for rooming when we did the timetable.
Guest 3 months ago in Estates Manager 0 In Discovery

Ability to set an alert on missing mark for a specific pupil

We have a pupil with a serious medical issue where there is a chance of an issue arising at any time, including break or between lessons. We would like to be able to set up an alert so that if his register is late, or the group is submitted with a...
Guest over 1 year ago in Registration Manager 0 In Discovery

Allowing staff to view their own staff record

Allow staff to view their own personal details (but no other staff members) so they can update them if their details change including sos contact etc
Guest about 2 years ago in HR Manager / Teacher Portal 0 Good Feature

Future Absences (More Efficient way of adding)

As a school with many nursery children who attend different sessions, adding future absences can become quite tedious. Previously on our old system it was a simple tick box separated in days and AM/PM sessions on an enrolment tab on the child's in...
Guest 7 months ago in Registration Manager 1 Now

Export Sibling Academic House

As we enter the new academic year we're reaching the point where we need to allocate pupils to Academic Houses. We try to keep siblings in the same house, so it would be really useful if we could have Sibling Academic House" available for export a...
Guest 4 months ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Changing the House Master name to House Parent

In this day and age, it would be far more appropriate for the House Master title to be changed to House Parent. I am sure we are not the only school to have female house parents.
Guest over 3 years ago in School Manager 0 In Discovery

Allow different contact defaults by contact type

For example. parents should default to all correspondence, but guardians/agents should not. It would save emails being sent to those that shouldn't get because someone forgot to untick a box
Guest 11 months ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery

Modify the absence code when aproving a LEAVE REQUEST

When aproving a Leave Request it takes the absence code from the default option set in the Configuration options for "Leave Request Settings". It does not take the code selected by the parents and the person that aproves it can't modify or change ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Registration Manager 0 In Discovery

SMS notifications for N codes

Currently, there is no way to be able to select specific students who are registered with N codes to allow communications to be sent specifically from the registration module. We should be able to have the option to select specific students and se...
Guest over 1 year ago in Registration Manager 1 Later