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Enable more fields in REST API

Currently it is frustrating to use the REST API, only to find that the field we are looking to review / update is not an available end point. Can you look into making it consistent which fields are available in the same screen. For example, in the...
Guest 6 months ago in REST API 0 In Discovery

Educational data (from Teaching Manager) to be able to transfer/sync Managebac

We enabled the one-way sync from iSams to ManageBac approximately a year ago and the sync of students works perfectly. Although, it would be great to be able to sync the educational part as well. In the beginning of the school year, my colleague w...
Guest about 1 year ago in REST API 0 In Discovery


Hi there, I was incredibly surprised to find out that there is no rest (or batch) ability to export Visas out of iSAMS. As iSAMS has targeted the international market, many schools in certain countries are required to keep track of student visas. ...
Guest over 4 years ago in REST API 1 In Discovery

Pastoral API - Concerns endpoint (list by student)

The "GET" request for Pastoral (Wellbeing) Concerns requires the concern {id} as an input parameter, as well as the student's {schoolId}. There is currently no endpoint to list concerns by student, and so it is not possible to know the concern {id...
Guest 6 months ago in REST API 1 In Discovery

Deposits via the REST API

We would like to be able to import and retrieve deposit details using the REST API, as this would enable us to integrate more closely with our CRM and Finance systems and ensure that deposits received are correctly recorded without having to resor...
Guest 7 months ago in REST API 0 In Discovery

Add Tutorial Tables as Endpoints to the API

Provide endpoints for the four timetable tutorial tables: TblTimetableManagerTutorials TblTimetableManagerTutorialsPeriods TblTimetableManagerTutorialsPupils TblTimetableManagerTutorialsTeachers Each year we have approximately 2,500 tutorials whic...
Guest 4 months ago in REST API 0 In Discovery

Automate sending parent portal codes via REST API

It would be great to be able to send the registration codes to parents via the API. At the moment it is done manually. Thank you very much.
Guest 10 months ago in REST API 0 In Discovery

Add Calendar API with GET, POST and UPDATE operations

If you can add a calendar API where we can extract events from iSams but also add events to the iSams calendar rather than having to import or export csv files manually.
Guest over 3 years ago in REST API 0 In Discovery

Add support to retrieve subjects under School Roles similar to Roles and Departments in HR manager

We have been asked to extract the subject data from HR Manager.There is already support for roles and departments under the following endpoints: humanresources/employees/{id}/roleshumanresources/employees/{id}/departments Is it possible to add sim...
Guest over 1 year ago in REST API 0 In Discovery

Surgeries missing from Medical Centre API

Surgeries appears to be missing from the Medical Centre API, you can add doctors to a surgery or pupil but you can't create or get a surgery via the API.
Guest 6 months ago in REST API 0 In Discovery